Contine 11 Limbi atat client cat si sv ! se schimba instant !
are multe systeme premium ! sv este TOP
Trebuie să lași un mesaj pentru a vedea linkul.

I am offering this classic PVM server file and project, level 99! It includes Jettix graphics, complete sources, and ready-to-use gameplay! The server is functional and 99% fixed in its current state.
It is not based on Zenaris2 but on a different server file. I also offer the graphics separately or can install the maps and graphics on your Metin client.
All runs work perfectly, as do most of the existing features on the server at the moment.
I am selling it because I do not have enough players and have accumulated a lot of hate from other server owners.

Technologies used:
MartySama 5.7
Visual Studio 2022
GCC 10
Server Details:
/usr/ // corect location unpack home in /usr/ foder.
usr/src/ // corect location unpack Serversource /usr/src/ folder.
var/db/ // unpack mysql in var/db/ folder set 777 permision and delete logs
run this comands in putty :
chown -R mysql /var/db/mysql && chgrp -R mysql /var/db/mysql
pkg install python3
pkg install python
pkg install gcc
pkg install gcc10
pkg install gmake
cd /usr/src/Source/Server
gmake all -j20 for compiling game source and db source dont forget set 777 permision
Then use comand reboot !
Start server :
cd /usr/home/m2_svfiles/main
python then select 1a
mysql passwrod ip root 123456
cont test admin 123456
U need visual studio 2022 comunity for compiling binary cleint source !
patch_main its root location set in your ips.